Video #3 in the Speed Training Secrets Series

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  1. Larry Van Such
    11 years ago

    Hi Michael, yes, I think we still need to get your times down even lower. Try connecting with my on Facebook and we can continue the discussion there. Look me up under “Larry Van Such”. Talk soon.

  2. Michael
    11 years ago

    Sir I’ve done the exercise 4 weeks. I dropped from a 4.97 to a 4.92 thats still not good. I need to be alot faster. I rested my legs properly and everything, i’m using the right resistance, i’m doing this properly.. I’ve become frustrated.

  3. Tre
    11 years ago

    I’m 5’9 1/2 weigh 165 bigish legs, i don’t squat over 400 though, i’ll keep at the exercise, what can i do to mske sure the front muscles catch up so i can run a possible 4.5?

  4. Dr. Larry Van Such
    11 years ago

    Hi Tre. To start with, the key to this exercise is to use good effort. That means that once you get to the 10 second mark, you should feel like you need to take a rest from the exercise because your muscles are working hard at holding the final position. If you can hold the position easily past the 15 second mark, you don’t have enough resistance in your setup.

    The other thing is that a lot of athletes have really heavy legs, especially on the backside where the glutes and hamstrings are. If you have big strong legs in back, then the muscles needed in front to pull the leg during the stride will need time to catch up. So, I am not sure of your height/weight etc., but if you have good size legs to begin with, then keep at this for a few more weeks. You should see results.

    Also, you want to make sure you plan in advance the next time you go out an run. I wouldn’t expect too much change if you are coming off a heavy squat routine the day before. Those big muscles in the back need time to recover and if you are working them hard, then give them the proper rest. The same could be said as you prepare for your games/competition. Don’t work out heavy right up until the day of your game since your muscles won’t be rested enough for them to give back to you what you are expecting from them.

    Hope these tips help.
    All the best.
    Dr. Larry

  5. Tre
    11 years ago

    I did your exercise and no improvment happened… I did exactly as the video showed for 2 weeks like you said, no knee locking or anything. Yet still ran a 4.9 40 i need to hit a 4.5 by the season

  6. Tre
    11 years ago

    I did your exercise and no improvment happened… I did exactly as the video showed for 2 weeks like you said, no knee locking or anything. Yet still ran a 4.9 40 i need to hit a 4.5 by the season

  7. Vaidyanathan R
    11 years ago

    By how much seconds will my timings improve in my 100m and 200m by doing resistant band exercises? Will I have a better effect I I do these exercises for more than 4 months?

  8. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hi John, thanks for the inquiry. I would start the exercises as soon as possible. While you are waiting on your program to arrive, at least start doing the exercise in video #2 of this series. Do the exercises three times with each leg for starters. I would do it everyday until the rest of the exercises get there.

    I’d also be careful not to overdo it on the first day or two. Chances are these muscles haven’t been worked and it could be easy to overtrain them. So, proceed carefully, at least in the beginning. After you get a feel for them, increase the effort to where she feels comfortable.

    Regarding when to stop before the race I would do a light workout with them the day before and even lighter the day of. Hope this helps.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  9. John Dawkins
    12 years ago

    Hi Larry,

    Just waiting for your product to arrive. But I would like to ask you about training leading up to athletics competition for teens. My daughter is running in a very important athletics meet on the 07/09/2013. If your product arrives late this week which only leaves another week, what can I do with the bands for her as usually the last week is a more restful as we come off the hard training from the previous weeks training ready for the competition.
    Will we see any improvement better, question how can I use the bands in the last 5-7 days leading up to the competition. My thinking is would these bands be more ideal than running around a Athletics track? Is it possible to use the bands for eg the night before competition?. The other thing is can they be used on comp day as a warm up tool great if we can,

  10. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hello Benjamin, sorry for your difficulty. It might be better for you since you live out of the US to purchase the Run Faster program through our new digital online website. The same information that is in the written program and CD for the Run Faster program is now available for immediate download.

    Since no package is being sent in the mail, you would still need to buy resistance bands somewhere, perhaps at a local sporting goods store if possible.

    That online website is:

    In the meantime, I will get with my webmaster and find out what the problem is with you not being able to complete your order.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    I will be in touch.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  11. Benjamin
    12 years ago

    Mr Van Such:
    I`m from Santiago, Chile. I try to buy your program but I can´t finish de operation because in the form it´s necesary put a State and I put NONE option and the sistem not accept this option. Please Help me with this problem.



  12. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    That’s entirely up to you. We found that doing the exercise just three times a week was sufficient to improve one’s running speed. You can try to do more to see what kind of results you get. Let us know.


  13. Trey
    12 years ago

    Would it be better to do the exercise in video #2 more than 3 times a week? As in every day?

  14. north face clearance
    12 years ago

    Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say great blog!

  15. Shavaun
    13 years ago

    I run a 27.76 in the 200 meter what should I do to got a 20.18?

  16. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Rene, typically we recommend not doing any other exercises for at least two weeks while performing our exercises. This is because, as you have stated, there may other factors than limit your results. So, the best way to know if this program is effective for you or not would be to limit the other training methods you might be involved with.

    Once you see what this program can do for your speed you can feel free to incorporate your other training strategies back in and see what effect, if any, they have on your speed.

    All the best.

    Dr. Larry Van Such

  17. Rene van Oosterom
    13 years ago

    Dr. Larry,

    I am intrigued with your program’s and how they work, in some ways it is rather obvious! I was just wondering, whilst performing the speed training program’s is it still okay to perform aerobic fitness program’s? Or would this result in over training an fatigue the muscle?



  18. Dr. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Matt,

    I can appreciate that as I was in the same boat at one time. Unfortunately, the only way to get this program is online. I hope that I can assure you by saying that the programs do exist and the exercises are similar to the one shown in video #2. If you have had success with that one, then hopefully we have earned your trust to make a purchase online with us. If that doesn’t satisfy your request, then certainly we can appreciate and respect your position.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  19. Ernest Tuff
    13 years ago

    Hello Larry, I’m a master athlete in Shot & Discus and as I need to up my speed, I was wondering about isometric exercises for these throwing events. These movements as you know are more complicated than running, any Ideas?
    Regards Ernest

  20. Matt Luke
    13 years ago

    Larry I don’t like to buy things online, could I buy this in a local store maybe walmart or target? Or anywhere.

  21. Noel Bennett
    13 years ago

    Hi is there an excercise for the pull phase ? i find it verry interesting and y you may ask ? well i some time cover classes for my instructor in Muay Thai and as we know it deals with lots of kicking so there for it also involve a lot of the hip flexor.So am more off teaching in how we can inprove our body mchanics to become a better athleet to inhance ones performance that will take him/her to the next level that would make a difference in him or her. And do you recomend a book or dvd with this type off excercises ?

  22. Craig Weinstein
    13 years ago

    O.K. Larry, I’m about to start this training program so lets see how it go’s? Talk in two weeks.
    Craig From Australia

  23. Saeed white
    13 years ago

    What exercises will help me get faster besides the resistance bands? I have the bands but I want my muscles to be very efficient. Please help me

  24. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Stephen, yes, you are correct. This pull phase exercise is part of the program and is not included in these videos. You will have to get the program to see it.

  25. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Tyler, squats are great exercises and a good friend of mine refers to the squat as ‘the king of all exercises!’, however, since the squat trains the large muscles in your legs, they can be very draining on your body. This is good for improving your strength and conditioning but as you probably already know, they can leave you pretty tired for a while afterwords. So, the important thing to remember when doing squats is to make sure you don’t do them too close to competition because you will need a few days to recover.

    Doing them once every four days may be a good idea in the off season, but it may actually be too frequent during the season. The last thing you want to have happen is to do a squat program the day before your game, so, keep in mind that if you have to do them this often, you may want to lighten the weight and perhaps lower the reps as you have suggested.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry.

  26. Tyler
    14 years ago

    hey im 16 and i play football and my coach has us doing squats and leg workouts once every 4 days,will this interfere any with the speed training workouts if i squat lightly?

  27. stephen
    14 years ago

    hello doc im a lil confused cuz the third video didnt show me how to do the exercise to condition my muscles fo the pull phase an i looked at the cheat sheet but that doesnt really show me wut to do so culd u exxplain to me how to do the exxxercise fo the pull phase plz cuz im lost

  28. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Keelahn, kinetic bands are great exercise tools and I’ve seen many athletes use them.

    Running steps is also a great exercise and highly recommended as it is less stressful on the joints in your knees and spine. This is because you typically are running up and down the steps on the balls of your feet which provide a natural cushioning effect through the movement of the ankle joint.

    Running on flat surfaces is okay, but many people tend to develop problems in the knees, hips and back over time because the foot strikes the ground hard with your heel first and their is little to no flexibility between the heel and the large tibia bone in which to absorb the shock.

    As a personal recommendation, I prefer elliptical machines, bicycles and running steps over treadmills for any cardiovascular exercise workout for this very reason.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  29. keelahn
    14 years ago

    hey doc i have a question can i use kinetic bands also bto run up stairs or will that hurt my speed