Video #4 in the Speed Training Secrets Series

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  1. Larry Van Such
    10 years ago

    Hi Mike, good question. The best recommendation would be to make sure your legs are well rested prior to doing these exercises. So, that would depend on how your other training schedule plays out. It sounds like you would want to do them before if you are considering doing them on the same days as other routines you are practicing. The only exception would be if you other training took place in the morning, then you could do these exercise several hours (8+) later in the evening when your legs have recovered a little.

    All the best!

  2. Mike
    10 years ago

    Hi, I am a rugby player and just want to know is it better to do the speed exercises before or after training?

  3. Ethan
    10 years ago

    Hi, I have very weak, tight hipflexors. I have a 31 inch vertical(which i think is pretty good) but only run a 5.0-5.1 40, I play linebacker in football and need to increase my speed, but also put on weight, i weigh only 180. Can you please tell me how your program will work for me and how much extra work i can do To maximize my training? I am a sophomore right now and have goals of playing college football. In one year of doing hard sprinting work, my 40 has stayed about the same and i am frustrated beyond belief.

  4. Steve
    10 years ago

    I am interested on buying your program but I need confirmation on whether the running program is also applicable for cyclist or what program can you recommend for cyclists?

  5. david
    10 years ago

    I have been using the full paid program (all ten videos) for a month and a half I have really big calves quadriceps and hamestrings and I can squat 315 by I don’t feel faster but I haven’t test my forty since starting t h e program Any tips

  6. Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hi, I’m from Norway and I really want to run faster. Can I get the run faster program, even if I live in Norway?

  7. Clint
    11 years ago

    Hello Larry

    I’m preparing for the 2015 USA Track and Field Masters meet, I run the 100, 200. Due to a ham string and quad injury I have been out of training for the last 6 weeks other then weights. I’m now starting sprint workout for the San Diego Olympic on Sept 21. What would you suggest being the fastest way to make the fastest improvements in such a short time. Clint

  8. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Yes, the program is available all over the world and is now available as a digital download product where you can receive it immediately after placing your order. Go to From there, once you place your order it will direct you to ClickBank, the worlds largest digital products retailer.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  9. rohit
    12 years ago

    is this run faster manual available all over the world or only in usa

  10. Aris Soprano
    12 years ago

    Dear Dr.van Such I first found your speed training program 3 months ago and my speed decreased from 15.4 to 12.8 in 2 weeks and I carried on and I’m now sprinting 11.3s and I wanna ask if I can do it 3 times on each leg with 1 resistance band and 3 times on each legs with 2 resistance bands for 3 days.coz when I did it 6 times I kinda felt my muscles a bit tight and ran a bit slow at the beginning,and it started to loosin up is that a good thing or bad and could it make me sprint 10.5 in 2 months coz I have a problem on my right hip plz plz help!!and tax for this program so much.

  11. byron
    12 years ago

    what would my time be if i run 12.3 now in the 100m and after using the 14 day program
    what would it approximately be

  12. byron
    12 years ago

    someone tell me what the excersises are

  13. Rimpa
    12 years ago

    I raelly needed to find this info, thank God!

  14. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Great question, If you lock your knee out you will stabilize the knee joint and the exercise will become a little easier to do. In doing so, you will minimize the effect of the exercise on the the knee extensors and to an extent, the hip flexors. So, the idea is to find positions for your muscles where they are really weak and that will force you to work the hardest at trying to improve their strength. As a result, the areas where these muscles are used the most will improve, such as running, jumping and kicking.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  15. mano
    12 years ago

    i have a question what happen if you lock your knee

  16. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Hi Colson, big thighs are generally a good thing, but if the size and weight of these muscles isn’t offset by equally strong hip flexors, then your stride and turnover will be slower than expected because it is the hip flexor muscles that will have to lift and pull your legs from behind you, to, up and out in front of you. So, the stride is what is affected the most by over-developed quads especially if the hip flexor strength is weak. Video #2 shows an awesome way to bring the strength of this muscle group up really fast and should help you immensely.

    Regarding you health condition the best advice is find a qualified and licensed doctor/trainer so that you can get the expert advice you need.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  17. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Hi Filipe, thanks for the questions.

    First, you asked, “does the size of a muscle of un athlete practicing with run faster program has un impact on his top speed and explosiveness?”. By ‘size’ I assume you also mean the strength of the muscle and certainly the stronger your muscles are the better performance you would expect to have. But too much size in one muscle group and not enough in another can really slow your progress. For example, you can have really big quads but if the size and weight of these muscles isn’t offset by the strength in the hip flexors that will have to carry them during the swing phase, then the size and strength of the quads will have minimal effect on your speed.

    You stated, “but i always heard that bigger the muscle is and bigger is the potential of an athlete to be faster right?” One would expect this to be true. There’s no argument that stronger muscles generally lead to better athletic performance, but again, it all depends on what skill you are trying to improve. If you have strong muscles that don’t impact the performance, then it probably won’t be of much help to you.

    You asked, “does this will get me faster then the first time i used run faster program?” a lot of people have noticed a difference in their speed after doing the exercise for just a few days, so that could be expected. However, on the average it takes about two weeks for most people to see results, and that’s what I would expect.

    thanks for the questions.
    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  18. Colson Nicolas
    12 years ago


    am senior high school football player going to college I was born with big thighs which may explain y am fast in the 40 4.56 but slow in the 100 12.19.
    am currently using your bands do you believe even with ma big thighs I can get great gains using your program? cause ma overall speed cost me 3 D1 scholarship all I need is speed and nothing is going o stop ma full potential in this great game we love Football AND I have a hip problem that’s goes away wen I use your program but when I stop it comes right back popping noise wen I raise my knee to chest HELP PLEEAASSEE SIR I NEED THIS.
    Reply · Like · Follow Post · 2 seconds ago.

  19. Filipe
    12 years ago

    hi doctor Larry,

    does the size of a muscle of un athlete practicing with run faster program has un impact on his top speed and explosiveness? i ask you this because in your video you say that isometric training with bands allows you to work speed, coordination and strength without increasing the mass of the muscle. but i always heard that bigger the muscle is and bigger is the potential of an athlete to be faster right? so if that’s true, when i reach my top speed with run faster program, then, i can work on getting more muscle, and after that, i work again on getting faster with run faster program, does this will get me faster then the first time i used run faster program?

    all the best

  20. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    That’s entirely up to you. We found that doing the exercise just three times a week was sufficient to improve one’s running speed. You can try to do more to see what kind of results you get. Let us know.


  21. Trey
    12 years ago

    Would it be better to do the exercise in video #2 more than 3 times a week? As in every day?

  22. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hi Lou, yes, all of the exercises can be modified to fit a particular sport or skill. With a little creative imagination you should be able to come up with several exercises that would help with skating speed. As long as you use the bands with an isometric training strategy, you should be very successful with them.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry

  23. Lou
    12 years ago

    Hi Larry,
    Just wondering if these training bands and exercises can be used
    or modified for skating to increase foot speed and a longer quicker

  24. Bob
    12 years ago

    There are 10 exercises in the Run Faster program for developing speed in all the muscles used in running.

  25. Danny
    12 years ago

    are there any other exersizes i can do with the resistance band?

  26. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Only one exercise is given and that is in Video #2. it looks like you replied to video #4 and so hopefully you can access all of them with the links at the top of the page.

  27. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    You can, but I would recommend waiting the two weeks just so you can focus on the exercises during this time period.

  28. jon
    13 years ago

    I’m just starting the exercises. Doe’s this mean I can still run the 40m or should I not run for the first two weeks?

  29. Bob
    13 years ago

    Hi Tom, below the video at the top you will see an icon to download it through a pdf file. click on that and
    it will open up for you.


  30. Tom Johnson
    13 years ago

    How do I get or please send me the cheat sheet #1 for the push phrase. Thanks. I plan to order the Get Faster Manuel after watching Speed Secrets#5

  31. Steven
    13 years ago

    I didn’t get the third or fourth videos but the exercises are pretty affective.

  32. Craig Prather
    13 years ago

    Hey Larry van such I am starting college in the fall,and I plan on trying out for the basketball team I was wondering if you could give me some exersices that could increase my vertical and speed on the court. Thanks for all your help

  33. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Lilly, great question.

    We don’t advertise our program to help with the distance runners but the feedback we have gotten indicates that the exercises do help improve the times in the longer races. This should be expected since you will be improving the speed and strength within the same muscles as the sprinters.

    Yes, resistance bands can and do break during training. It’s all a matter of exercising within the physical limits of the band, being careful not to overstretch them like an ordinary rubber band. This can be prevented by using multiple bands to limit the amount of distance they are stretched because of the added resistance they supply together. You also want to be careful where you attach them to, avoiding contact with rough or sharp objects.

    I achieved incredible results myself with this type of training years ago. I only wished I had come across it at a much younger age to be more competitive in sports.

    Thanks for your questions.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  34. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Chris,

    I would imagine there are plenty of other training routines that if you apply them properly you should see some improvement in your running speed. However, I believe that our Run Faster program works faster and better than the rest. You can check out the exercise in Video #2 and try it for a few weeks to see what I mean.


    Dr. Larry Van Such

  35. Lilly
    13 years ago

    Hi Larry, I’m wondering if the Run Faster program will help with longer distances such as the 1500 metre as well as with sprinting, because I do both. And is it possible to break a resistance band while training? Also, I’m being curious-but did you invent the whole Run Faster program? What made you think that isometric training is the best kind of training? And are you a fast runner because you used it?
    Thanks, Lilly 🙂

  36. Chris
    13 years ago

    Is there another way to get faster becasue I dont have any bands, like another technique,

  37. Kyle Petroski
    13 years ago

    Thank you very much

  38. Bob
    13 years ago

    Yes, you are old enough for this program, Youngsters as young as 8 or 9 have used the program with good results.

    Use this link for tips on how to include speed training with your strength training.

  39. Kyle Petroski
    13 years ago

    My name is kyle and i am 14 years old….
    Is the athletic quickness program good for this age…
    Also if i get the program will i be able to train for strength while training with ur program…
    Thank you

  40. Jordan Williams
    13 years ago

    Hello Dr.! I am getting ready for the upcoming track season. I run the 100m 200m & 400 meter. Is it ok for me to jog inbetween workout days on the 2 week challenge? and when i buy the when i buy the full program does it have a conditioning routine also?

  41. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Avory,

    I would stick with the recommended schedule for the first two weeks. Afterward, you can begin to see if making changes to the schedule as you have suggested would be helpful. That is the only way to find out for sure.

    All the best.

    Dr. Larry

  42. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hello Robert, I do not believe that our merchant account is set up to handle that sort of transaction, however, you should direct your inquiry to:

    They should be able to answer your question more specifically.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry V.

  43. Robert Gysemans
    14 years ago

    I’d like to purchase the tennis training program and matching video how to perform the necessary excercises. Bur i’d like to pay by trasfer bank to bank.
    Is this possible?

  44. avory cole
    14 years ago

    Is it alright to do the exercise twice a day. One in the morning and one way later in the day

  45. Larry Van such
    14 years ago

    Hi Jeff,

    Our recently released baseball program is the one we recommend for athletes looking to improve their throwing abilities, whether it’s with the javelin as you have inquired about or others such as throwing a football, and of course a baseball.

    There are 20 exercises in this program that target just about every skeletal muscle in the body needed for running, throwing and swinging a bat and most of them would transfer over to throwing the javelin.

    After reading through the program and implementing the exercises, you might be able to create a few ‘javelin specific’ exercises, although the ones that are demonstrated would get the job done.

    Whenever people inquiry about sports skills for which we do not have an exact match with a written program, we usually suggest a book, such as baseball in this case, and advise them to go straight through to the chapter showing the exercises, as there would be no need to learn all the anatomy of the baseball swing if they are into another sport.

    All the best.

    Dr. Larry V.

  46. jeff
    14 years ago

    would you have exercises for the javelin thrower?

  47. AMAR
    14 years ago

    Every athlete should use these programs they are the best hands down!