Congratulations! Here's your first personal video in the process of getting you faster.

Video #1 in the Speed Training Secrets Series

download cheat sheet.
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What Others Are Saying About Their Results

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  1. Raymundo
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  2. mohammed
    10 years ago

    hello Dr. Larry. My name is mohammed.Truthfully i’m very slow compared to other boys. my real seconds is 15.7. may i know how to become faster please. My friends beat me and beat me in running. I’m from Iran.

  3. mohammed
    10 years ago

    my name is mohammed. i’m 13 years old. i’m an athlete. may i know how to speed up my speed. i’m very slow compared to the 13 year old boys. i am from Iran. Truthfully my speed is 15.7 seconds. please teach me Dr. Larry please. i want to beat those guys.

  4. kiran
    10 years ago

    Sir.i wanna speed up my sprint. But my acceleration or start is very slow .so what should i do

  5. Anonymous
    11 years ago

    Hi Deswill, you can order the program in digital format and download it directly to your computer….today.

    Go to:

    The order page will direct you on how to access all the videos and training manual. Again, it is in digital format
    so you don’t have to wait for it in the mail, you can have it today and start training today.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry

  6. Anonymous
    11 years ago

    My name is akeodi ekine how will I buy the book on how to run fast prommag. I am a football an I went to work on my speed. I live in nigeria

  7. Deswill
    11 years ago

    Hello Dr Larry my name is Deswill and I live in South Africa. Would I still be able to buy the run faster program and how much will it cost in South African Rand?

  8. Larry VanSuch
    11 years ago

    If you have already been doing the exercise shown in video #2 of this series and have achieved good results, then yes, you should get the complete program. Regarding when to do these workouts, we recommend to continue to do them for as long as you plan to stay competitive in your sport. There is really no reason to stop doing them if you see success.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  9. Anonymous
    11 years ago

    Dr.van such should I get the program as soon as possible or is there like a finish to the workout like workout to help you loose weight is there a end. Also I played DT in football last year and want to play MLB should I lose weight then do u workout or do your workout them lose weight

  10. Tenzin
    11 years ago

    Also, does this work better on those who have a good start/acceleration or those who build up their speed gradually?

  11. Tenzin
    11 years ago

    Hi, sorry if I missed it out or anything, but can you please suggest a schedule for me? Like how many sets in each of the six periods for the overall two weeks.

  12. Larry VanSuch
    11 years ago

    Hello Anton, this program works really well and really fast. Start with the exercise shown in Video #2 of this series. This should help you get off to a fast start with improving your race times.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  13. Larry VanSuch
    11 years ago

    start with the exercise shown in video #2. It is incredibly effective and has helped lots of people really fast.

    All the best!

    Dr. Larry Van Such

  14. Larry VanSuch
    11 years ago

    Hi William,

    All you can do is give it a try. It has worked incredibly well for lots of people so far, so I am confident it can help you as well.

    All the best!

    Dr. Larry Van Such

  15. Anton
    11 years ago

    hi doc i am scoping to improve after my race in sports 100m will the thigh flexor only improve my speed pls i m waiting for ur ans

  16. william agbara
    11 years ago

    Does this really work man? I’m really slow *(15.9 100m) I want to hit the 10s one day…any help? Ps I’m a 15 year old freshman.

  17. Anonymous
    11 years ago

    hi Dr.Van im from ghana and thing are different here especially where i am,im in urban area so can you give me a special information on how to be quick on the field.

  18. Larry VanSuch
    11 years ago

    Hi Ricky. It’s hard to say exactly how much faster each person will get but one thing’s for sure; doing even just one exercise shown in Video #2 of this series has enabled lots of athletes get really fast in just a few weeks. So, start there and if you see progress then get the whole program.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry

  19. Ricky bailey
    11 years ago

    Dr. Van such, I play d1-aa football and currently a freshmen, I’m wanting to switch positions to wr from db and due to acl surgery my 40 time went from a 4.48 to 4.67, I need my 40 time back down hopefully to a 4.39, now say if I were to do this training program for the next 4 years of my college career would that be possible or maybe even down to a 4.4 by next season?

  20. mohamad
    11 years ago

    hi:Proceedings of sprint training in volleyball

  21. Dr. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hi Brian. Yes, there is some carryover from these exercises into hockey skating speed. Although we don’t advertise specifically for hockey, we’ve had some players start with the exercise shown in video #2 and do quite well with improving their skating speed. If this should be the case for you, then you would want to get the complete Run Faster program.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry VanSuch

  22. brian
    12 years ago

    hey Doc, Wondering if these excecises will make a difference in my hockey sprinting/speed?

  23. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Good question. Give it a try and follow the instructions. Be sure to let us know how you do.
    All the best.

  24. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Good question. I guess if you asked Usain Bolt the answer would be ‘no’. But certain body styles tend to be more dominant at different parts of the sprint. The shorter sprinters tend to have better starts since their compact frames allow them to generate more power from a ‘still’ or ‘motionless’ position than the taller sprinters. Usain Bolt isn’t know for a fast start, at least when compared to other top sprinters. But taller runners tend to have longer strides and this is one advantage they have or at least are able to try and take advantage of that isn’t available to shorter sprinters.

    The exercise shown in Video #2 of this series is known for helping sprinters increase the speed and length of their stride along with helping their turnover rate. It’s remarkable that many athletes don’t train for this part of running, or at least not as effectively as they could. You will find that just including it into your current routine should produce great results for you in a just a few days.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  25. ashok
    12 years ago

    does height matter in sprinting?????

  26. Mohit Patra
    12 years ago

    Dear sir iam Mohitpatra iam first week practic and my run sprint speed in a 80 m.and i was 4.22 sec complete race and iam runing olympic please chance me and iam second bolt realy.

  27. nate
    12 years ago

    Hi i run a 4.6 40 and im wondering if this first 2 week exercise will get me to a 4./5 or a 4.4

  28. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Start with the exercise in Video #2 of this series. It should be of great value to your workouts and get you on your way to reaching your goals.

    The complete program is also available as a digital download product where you can receive it immediately after placing your order. Go to

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  29. eshan
    12 years ago

    hello Dr.Larry
    i am running 100 metres at 12.6seconds..
    i really wanna develop my sprint speed..and so that
    i can run 100metres in 10.6-11.0 seconds
    i really need help ..i am 6 ft tall…please reply

  30. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Yes, absolutely. Give the exercise in Video #2 a chance for a few days and you should start to see improvement in your speed really fast.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry

  31. anver
    12 years ago

    Hi I am a Rugby player would this program help with my speed

  32. maurice brown
    12 years ago


    Whn should i perform the exercises before or after my workouts?

  33. Anonymous
    12 years ago

    am a beginner coach from Ethiopia ………………………………….

  34. Anonymous
    12 years ago

    Dr Larry
    Its my first time receiving this data.i will start training on monday,from what people say about this type of training,i think it will give good results.

    By the way,my is Larry Namakando am Zambian.Am a soccer player at Red Arrows Football Clud,the club is in the primier league here in Zambia.

    Thanks so

  35. Rafael Gonzalez
    12 years ago

    Dr. Larry,

    I used the speed training challenge workout with the resistance bands for 2 weeks and the results were very surprising. I went from a 12.1 in the 100m to 11.6. Although I was doing my own workout for 3 weeks before discovering this workout, I believe this was a very big help in achieving the time I got. I want to get into the 10’s so I am going to purchase the workout. Thanks again for such a great workout hopefully I reach my goal.

    Best Regards,
    Rafael Gonzalez

  36. Israel
    12 years ago

    Ok thanks dr. Van such I appreciate it, but can you by any chance tell me how much faster ill run my 40? I run it in 5.5

  37. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hi Israel, I would think if the Kbands are long enough to use as they are shown in Video #2 of this series then its worth a try.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry

  38. Israel
    12 years ago

    Dr. Van such will these workout work with the Kbands ? They’re like resistance bands but instead they go a couple inches above your knees

  39. Anthony
    12 years ago

    Do you know which website I can order the resistance bands.

  40. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Tino, I suppose that depends on how bad the tear is. The best and safest thing we can do through these comments on the internet is recommend that you continue to consult with your doctor regarding your injury and follow his/her instructions.

    All the best and let’s hope you can heal fast enough to get back in top condition.

    Dr. Larry Van Such

  41. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Thanks for the question….there’s only one way to find out. Do the exercise as explained in Video #2 of this series according to the directions found in the cheat sheets beneath the video. While seeing improvements within a week is not out of the question, you may want to try it for at least two weeks to give yourself a better chance.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  42. knight5142
    12 years ago

    I never really considered a 4.6 as fast but people say i am how much faster could i be in the next week

  43. Tino
    12 years ago

    Thank you for sending me the first video.
    I was informed by my doctor that i have torn quadicep on my right leg
    Can i be still run or sprint faster

  44. Louis
    12 years ago

    Thank you very much if this works with the two week program I’m definitely buying you whole program. I run a 4.7 so let’s hope in two weeks ill run a 4.5 then faster. Thank you very much for the reply

  45. Larry Van Such
    12 years ago

    Hi Louis, I highly recommend sticking with the resistance bands. Getting yourself into the final holding position is very risky to do with weights since if you lose your balance or have to try and readjust your feet positions the force created by the weight isn’t going to change with your movements and this could lead to injury. With the bands, even though they will be creating equal force at the final holding position, if you have to move a bit to readjust yourself or even if you lose your balance, at least when the length of the band shortens the resistance will drop down as well and this will limit any chance of injury.

    Also, the resistance bands have a dynamic effect to them that your muscles will be able to adapt much better to when training and your results will come more quickly. If you need to increase your resistance then use two or more bands together. If you do, you should be able to create all the force you need.

    All the best and thanks for the question.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  46. Louis
    12 years ago

    Ok instead of resistant bands could I use weights with the hook to do it. Because I tried it yesterday with 5 and it felt harder to do then the cando bands. So could I keep doing it like I’m doing now or keep with the cando bands

  47. Derrick
    12 years ago

    This is more a question than a comment. Has anyone of the current Olympians use these techniques to achieve such great results? Especially including Bolt, Blake, Gay, and Powell? I’m obsessively curious to know how I can be able to the same as them.

  48. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    That’s entirely up to you. We found that doing the exercise just three times a week was sufficient to improve one’s running speed. You can try to do more to see what kind of results you get. Let us know.


  49. Trey
    12 years ago

    Would it be better to do it more than 3 times a week? As in every day?

  50. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Hi Tyler, the workouts you are requesting are part of the actual program in the Run Faster Training Manual. There are several exercises that really target the muscles involved in it. Unfortunately we only release the exercise shown in Video #2 of this series at not cost. You would have to purchase the entire program to gain access to it.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  51. Tyler
    12 years ago

    Hi doctor. I would like to know what kind of workouts are avaible to increase your “Pull Phase” speed/technique.

  52. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Hi Kuba, thanks for the question. The training strategy is ‘isometric training using resistance bands’ and it can be applied relatively easily to all of your skeletal muscles. If there are any specific movements to skating then it should not be a problem to create the exercise. I would recommend using the Run Faster program since there are a lot of exercises that are easily transferable over to skating.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  53. Larry VanSuch
    12 years ago

    Hi Morris, you should be getting an email for the Afterburner program which will show you a few more extra ways to modify these exercises so you can gain as much running speed and kicking distance/power as possible. Contact customer support if you have not received it.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  54. morris
    12 years ago

    dr such thanks alot for these tips, I have been doing the kick further run faters program for 1 month. I have had a huge diffrence in speed but i want to get a lot faster please give me some more tips, becuase i am try to go pro in soccer and speed is very important..

  55. Kuba
    12 years ago

    How your system, exercises and methods can be applied in ice speed skating?

  56. Anonymous
    12 years ago


  57. Anonymous
    12 years ago


  58. "XxxX
    12 years ago


  59. Bob
    13 years ago

    Hi Winston,

    To get all 10 videos, you will need to order the program and cd located on this web page:

    The option to purchase the cd will not come up until after you have selected the Run Faster training manual.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  60. Bob
    13 years ago

    Hi Winston,

    To get all 10 videos, you will need to order the program and cd located on this web page:

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  61. winston
    13 years ago

    Here can i find all 10 videos?

  62. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Michael, thanks for the question. It’s too hard to give you a specific answer based on the limited information you presented. If you do the exercises in the Run Faster program and/or Jump Higher program, you should expect your running speed to improve as well as your vertical jump. How much depends on how committed you are to doing the exercises in the program. I would definitely expect an improvement however, I am unable to state specifically how much.

    Start with the exercise presented in this video for a few weeks and see where it gets you. I think you will have a better idea of what you can expect with the whole program once you have done at least this much.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  63. Michael
    13 years ago

    Hi I am gonna play varsity basketball this year for my highschool i am a sophomore and 14 years old and I am 5’7″ tall and I want to be able to dunk will this help me?

  64. Lilly
    13 years ago

    Hi Dr. Larry Van Such I’m not sure if it’s okay for me to do the Run Faster program-I’m only in grade seven! I’ve been jogging on my street a lot but I haven’t seen much improvement in my speed. I mean, the more I train, the worse I get, because in grade five I was the fastest runner in my class but now I’m only third, which kinda sucks. So I wanted to know if this program is okay for people of all ages. Thanks in advance!

  65. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Blake,

    I can’t give you an exact number that you might expect to improve in your running speed, but those who have tried in the past routinely drop between .1 and .3 seconds in their 40 yard dash time within 2 – 4 weeks. That would be my expectation for you at the moment. Also, for those whose times are a little slower, they usually have the most to gain.

    All the best and let me know how you are progressing.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  66. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Jerry,

    For kids his age, since he is obviously active and physical enough to play any sport including hockey, then certainly there will be ways to exercise for speed and strength. For ice skating speed, we recommend the Run Faster program. While not exactly the same, there are similarities with the muscles involved for both running and skating. For strength training, I don’t have any particular program to recommend at this time, but I would imagine that simply staying active and playing sports is probably the best thing going at the moment.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  67. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Tina,

    Please make sure to watch all the videos and especially Video #2 where I will show you an incredibly effective speed training exercise. Many who have done just this one exercise have experienced great results in a very short period of time.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  68. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Daga, good question.

    Weight training is foundational to all sports and so you will definitely want to continue on with it. However as you may already know, leg exercises involving weights may require you to have a longer recovery time before you feel 100% again. So, the answer to your question is “yes and no”. Yes, it will affect your speed if you are looking to run faster a day or two after a heavy weightlifting session with weights and no it probably won’t have any negative effect if you are completely recovered from your last workout. The only way to be sure is to pay close attention to your body and how you feel each day afterward from a heavy weightlifting session for legs.

    Thanks for the question.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  69. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Josh,

    The Run Faster program has a total of 10 different exercises. 5 of them are performed two days a week, such as Monday and Thursday, the other 5 on two different days of the week, such as Tuesday and Friday. This is explained in more detail in the book, but hopefully you get the idea.

    The exercise shown in Video #2 is to help people such as yourself get a better idea of how the exercises work. Since we show only this one exercise in these videos (and not all 10), the instructions for those doing this one exercise is to perform it 3 days a week, such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This will change back to two days a week for those doing all ten exercises.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  70. Josh
    13 years ago

    How many times do I do these exercises a week?

  71. Blake
    13 years ago

    Hi, I am thinking about trying out to play wide receiver and/or corner back at my high school. Everybody says that I should because I have great hands. The only problem is I am not just slow, I am very slow. The last time I ran a 40 yard dash, I ran a 5.84 and I only weigh 145 pounds at 5’11”. Do you know how much faster I would get if I used one of the speed training programs?

  72. Daga Tahir
    13 years ago

    Hey Dr. Larry Van Such i had a question. Would working out our leg muscle using weights then doing this program have positive or negative effects??

  73. Jerry
    13 years ago

    Hello, My son is 9yrs old and plays ice hockey, what would you suggest for speed and strength?

  74. Tina
    13 years ago

    Hello. I was so much confused and lost hope that my career was coming to an end because i can no longer hit my targeted time in 40metres dash until i came across your website, thank God for it. All i need now is to get a little of your secret exercises to improve upon my speed. I train alot but am not making the tmie of 6.00-6.40secs, my time now is 6.80 – 7.36secs. Please i need your help

  75. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Ravi,

    10.30 seconds is really really fast, as in National Championship fast. I would certainly think you should be able to get your time below 11 seconds with our program but how much lower depends on a lot of factors that I don’t feel I can address with the limited information I have from you.

    At a minimum, watch all four videos and try to apply as much as possible. That way you can be sure you have given your very best at trying to reach your goals.

    Thanks for inquiring.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  76. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Kobi, you pose a very interesting question.

    I don’t know of any specific drills to shorten your stride. I do know how to increase your ‘frequency’ or ‘turnover rate’. Make sure you watch and do the exercise shown in the 2nd video. You may find that after doing this exercise for a few weeks that the length of your stride may not be as much of a factor.

    Regardless, as a sprinter you will definitely need to do this exercise to compete at the higher levels and once you have settled into incorporating this exercise into your routine, then I would see what adjustments, if any, you need to make with your technique.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry

  77. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Kobe,

    Kicking is one of the athletic skills that really benefits from this type of training. All of you kicks are dependent upon strong and fast hip flexors and there is no better way, in my opinion, at targeting this muscle group than using the resistance band with an isometric training strategy. You can watch this strategy applied to the hip flexor’s in the 2nd video of this series, and if you haven’t done it, you really need to. Your performance will change for the better in a matter of days.

    This same exercise in the 2nd video is also perfect for punters, placekickers and soccer players.

    Thanks for inquiring.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  78. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Abraham,

    Stretching your muscles before exercising certainly has it’s place, although you may find some disagreement in this from other sources. The only way to know if it is right for you is simply to go through some stretches and see what effects it has on your performance.

    Personally I recommend some light stretching, but not to the point of overdoing it. My reason is that muscles are elastic and if you were to ‘overstretch’ them for a short period of time before an important game etc, you might lose some of their ability to contract quicker. I like light stretching to get the blood flowing but not much more than that.

    Again, there are a lot of different viewpoints on this and each will make their case on paper, but the only sure way is to try it out for yourself.

    Thanks for the great question!
    Dr. Larry

  79. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Donald, a lot of athletes fall in to your son’s category. Most athletes speed is limited by their inability to contract their hip flexors as fast as they need to. This is because they are entirely overlooked and therefore never ever trained. Using the resistance bands the way the programs show you will take care of this. The nice thing is that these muscles respond very quickly to resistance band training, as in a matter of a few weeks, so the motivation to use them and continue on with them is usually very high.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  80. Dr. Van Such
    13 years ago

    Yes, absolutely.

    The nice thing about resistance bands is that you can create as much resistance as you need, especially for your stronger athletes, by combining several different bands together. The bands can either be all the same resistance level and length or they can be different resistance levels and lengths.

    The important thing to consider when using the bands is to make sure you are always exercising within the physical limits of the bands. What this means is, no matter how much you stretch the bands during an exercise, the bands should still be capable of stretching a little further. You don’t ever want to ‘max out’ your bands because when you do, you lose the elasticity in the bands and essentially turn them into a static cable which is not as affective. This is why its important to use several bands together to increase the resistance to match up with the strength of the athlete.

    All the best.
    Dr. Van Such

  81. ravi
    13 years ago

    hi i currently run a hundred metre dash in 11.04sec.i am 17 years old.can your training help me do it in about 10.30secs.i have never undergone any formal training.please reply.

  82. Meagan
    13 years ago

    I am a sophomore and my peak at speed was in 8th grade. Since then i have lost a lot of speed. I got a stress fracture in my lower back due to power cleans but now i am released to do track. So overall i have lost A LOT of my speed that i used to have. How can i gain it all back when track season starts in 2 weeks?

  83. Kobi Jekel
    13 years ago

    I am a senior and I have gone to state in tenth grade and eleventh grade. Yet each year I cannot compete because I have to stride out to reach the next hurdle. Is there any drills to shorten my stride and increase my frequency.

  84. Sahil
    13 years ago

    Hi Larry. Just wondering if this program will help me kick faster as i do kickboxing.

  85. Joel
    13 years ago

    Hello Larry
    I just found your site and I am a college runner more specifically I am a sprinter who runs the 100m and the 200m. I was out all last yr with a hamstring injury because I pulled it and now I got injuried again this year but I have strengthen the hamstring and I feel good now I need a program to get back up fast and do well in the 60 meters in indoor and the 100m and 4×1 in outdoor. Last yr I ran 7.53 in the 60m.

  86. Abraham Clark
    13 years ago

    Hey Larry how are?
    I was wondering if stretching your hip flexor muscle would also help in making you faster cause a lot of my friends tell me that stretching that muscle helps, I’d just thought I’d ask some one who actually knows what he’s talking about. look forward to hearing back from you..

  87. Sam Horn
    13 years ago

    I really enjoyed your first video and was wondering if I can increase my kicking distance by at least 10 yards with these exercises? I can kicked about 40 yards and am looking to increase my distance to about 50 yards or so. I am currently trying out for the position of kicker on my college football team. Again, great explanation of the push phase. I liked it!

  88. William McMahon
    13 years ago

    Thank You. Also, why cant you use the resistance bands every day other then 3 days per week?

  89. Donald
    13 years ago

    My son is a good athletic in football and basketball, but he is just to slow to be better then the other kids. In basketball for example he by far the best shooter, although he is the slowest at running up and down the court. Now because of this he is on the bench and does the team
    no service and can not help the team win.

  90. Coach White
    13 years ago

    Do you recommend that I use this program for my middle school preseason training in place of weights because we have no weight room?

  91. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Jimmy, you should feel the tension at the very top part of your thigh near your belt line. That is where the ‘center’ of all the hip flexors muscles is. Not sure what to quote you as to what can be expected in lowering your 100m time, but a lot of athletes drop at least .5 to .8 seconds who were running in the 13 second range initially.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry Van Such

  92. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi William, that is one way to do it, but I don’t recommend it. Using the bands will give you a much more dynamic resistance to work against and this will help develop the hip flexors a lot quicker, (a lot quicker!) as in just a few days. Plus, the bands will allow you to safely get into the weaker positions of hip flexion that will need to be improved to improve your speed.

  93. marcellus
    13 years ago

    I’m a power runningback i got the start for my varsity football team everyone says im fast but, i keep running like a 5.2 40 yard dash but, everyone says im blazing now i don’t believe i need to get faster because a 5.2 40 won’t bring a scholorship for anything

  94. jimmy
    13 years ago

    are you suppose to feel it under your bum doing the exersises and also i got 13.44 in 100m if i keep doing the exercises for a mounth how much will i improve. i am 14 years old

  95. Jake
    13 years ago

    Whats the best type of lifts to perform?

  96. William McMahon
    13 years ago

    For the resistance band putting ur knee up and leg out. Can i do that with a weight instead to strengthen the hip flexor?

  97. Larry Van Such
    13 years ago

    Hi Cem, our programs help people get their sprint times down under a certain time. That is what they do best. We have had some people respond back with improvements in the longer race distances such as the 400m and 800m, however, we have no information on their effectiveness for those who run the longer distances like the 5k.

    The hip flexor exercises in the training program are really effective and they work very fast. That said, I would think they would carry over to some extent with any race distance, but again, the 5k and longer races isn’t something we have tested the program on.

    All the best.

  98. gage
    13 years ago

    Hi I’m 13 years old and I don’t know if I’m to young but I run like a 5.4for my 40 yard dash like a 5.3 for my 40 yard dash and I was wondering would this have the same effect on me as everyone else

  99. Mister Mike
    13 years ago

    I am 50 years old 5’10” 195. I have been doing sprint and olympic distance triathlon’s the past three years. The run is by far my worst leg. I don’t consider myself a fast runner. My avg time for a 5k would be 28-30 mins. I would like to get that down to under 25mins. Will this program help me get faster for long distance runs?


  100. cem
    13 years ago

    how can i get The TENNIS Speed Training Program as a digital copy for downloading i don’t want to wait&pay for international shipment
    any help?

  101. Anonymous
    13 years ago

    Hi Taylor, yes, you can do cardio at the same time you are doing this program and it should still help you quite a bit. Just remember that depending on how much weight you lose and how fast you lose will also affect your results. I am sure you have a goal in mind so the best advice at this time would be to insert these exercises into your current routine and you should be able to achieve them.

    All the best.
    Dr. Larry

  102. taylor nixon
    13 years ago

    I am currently trying to drop weight and get back in shape to try out as a full back for a semi pro team. My question is should I concentrate on making my weight before I start this program or can I cardio and do this program at the same time and still get the full benefits of it??

  103. Chase Paramore
    13 years ago

    Hey Doc I’m 15 years old coming off knee surgery and I just don’t have the speed I had before. Will You Help ,I play tightend but my team has gone to the spread and not having the speed is hurting my playing time. Please email me.

  104. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Dan, thanks for the question. Ideally you would want to space the exercises out so that there is at least one day in between, however, if you need to make up a day to get back on track and have to do the exercises on consecutive days, that’s okay too. So no, you don’t have to start over.

    All the best.

    P.S. You may need to use more than one band to make the exercises a little more challenging as shown in the second part of video #2.

  105. Dan Banks
    14 years ago

    Doctor I have just begiun the program for the initial to weeks and im very busy during the day but I usually make time to do the workout but I accidently went to sleep and forgot to workout one of the days do I have to start over

  106. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Hannah,

    We do not have any information to pass along at this moment, however we are in the process of putting together strength and conditioning videos for people like yourself. This product is not yet finished, but you may get an idea of what some of these exercises will look like here:

    All the best.

    Dr. Larry V.

  107. Larry VanSuch
    14 years ago

    Hi Dominic, those are impressive high school times for a guy your size. You are on the right track with the suggestions you made regarding your diet and the other training you are putting yourself through.

    Our programs tend to work pretty fast once implemented, however, with all the other training you have going on and the demand you are currently putting on your body, I would be interested to know how you are feeling on a day to day basis. My guess is that you are going to need at least some recovery time in between the workouts, so, after doing our exercises for a few weeks, I would allow at least two days of complete rest from everything before getting the stop watch out.

    There is an exercise in the second video that will absolutely jump start this whole process so make sure you watch it. There are nine additional exercises in the Run Faster program that are needed to round out the complete training to improve your speed.

    Yes, you can implement our programs into other routines. We recommend at least a six hour gap between the two if possible. In other words, if you are doing heavy lifting and cardio in the morning, wait until evening before doing ours. This tends to work out very well for those who put in a lot of ours training.

    All the best!
    Dr. Larry

  108. Hannnah
    14 years ago

    Hi, I was just wondering if you have any advice on sports specific conditioning drills and ideas specifically for field hockey in the maintenance phase.

  109. Dominic Polk
    14 years ago

    so i am 33 years old. When i was 225lb in high school i could run a 4.5 40 and between a 10.8 – 11.00 hundred 11.1 constantly; other two depending on competition. Just started training for semi-pro football league and Man i am so disappointed. i lost all of that talent.I guess if you don use it you lose it. i am now 295 and run like a 5 sec 40 yd and i don’t even know the 100 meter time. also i have 22 in vert looking to get to 32. i am doing cross fit training for muscle strength, endurance,and weight loss. i am also doing insanity by beach body for cardio. will your program get back to a least high school times or better. AND can i incorporate it into my current training. I am starting insanity tomorrow and back doing cross fit have not done it in about 2wks. depending on your suggestions i will buy you program in about 2wks. I have good diet program to help me loss weight also. i am have about a 26% body fat going for 12%. should put me at about 248 when it is all said and done. I have 10wks before first indoor game then outdoor season starts in April.

  110. Dominic Polk
    14 years ago

    so i am 33 years old. When i was 225lb in high school i could run a 4.5 40 and between a 10.8 – 11.00 hundred 11.1 constantly; other two depending on competition. Just started training for semi-pro football league and Man i am so disappointed. i lost all of that talent.I guess if you don use it you lose it. i am now 295 and run like a 5 sec 40 yd and i don’t even know the 100 meter time. also i have 22 in vert looking to get to 32. i am doing cross fit training for muscle strength, endurance,and weight loss. i am also doing insanity by beach body for cardio. will your program get back to a least high school times or better. AND can i incorporate it into my current training. I am starting insanity tomorrow and back doing cross fit have not done it in about 2wks. depending on your suggestions i will buy you program in about 2wks. I have good diet program to help me loss weight also. i am have about a 26% body fat going for 12%. should put me at about 248 when it is all said and done. I have 10wks before first indoor game then outdoor season starts in April. Help!

  111. corey ford
    14 years ago

    Hello doctor i purchased your get faster speed package and have almost finished my second week and would like to know how the actual speed building process works is it gradual or is there a sudden increase at the end of the second week

  112. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hello Domonik,

    Yes, I believe there is a very good chance of you improving your sprinting speed within this time period. Follow the instructions and you should be fine.

    Let us know how you do! All the best.

    Dr. Larry

  113. domonik
    14 years ago

    hi i have been selected to represent my school at the state titles in 100mt sprint; shot put; and relay in 3 weeks, i would love to do well, do you think this will help me in that time

  114. abebe
    14 years ago

    i m athlete i have not coch my filed 3000m and5000 crosecantry so pelase helpme i need program endurase – seepd -stringze i need program

  115. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

  116. helpdoctor
    14 years ago

    I wanted to know the schedule for using the bands in the second video its not letting me download the pdf. please help somebody

  117. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Zack, with the exercise shown in video number 2 alone, athletes have dropped good time in the 100m in about two weeks. We recommend doing the exercise for as long as you plan to stay competitive in your sport. You can do these exercises along with any other training routine you are involved in and for as long as you continue to see improvement

    Yes, box jumps and squats will help for the push phase. You’re on the right track!!

    Dr. Larry

  118. Zack
    14 years ago

    I am 13 and currently run a mid thirteen 100m dash. How quickly would my time drop a second, or even two or three? Squats and box jumps are good for the push phase, right?

  119. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hello Will, there are quite a few of them that do. You would undoubtedly recognize some of their names however, many seek reimbursement for their testimonials which we can not and will not provide.

  120. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi John, sure, running is a big part of exercise and overall athletic performance. You would do good to fit it in to your training whenever possible.

  121. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Kinetic bands are good but I am not sure if they will work with the exercises in our programs. They may be a little shorter and stronger and might not allow you to get into the positions that our exercises demonstrate. Still, they are a good tool to have to add variety in your routine.

    Dr. Larry

  122. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Start reviewing the information in these videos and the information on the website. The Run Faster program is perhaps the most popular for all the sports and a good place to start. All the best! Larry

  123. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hello Juan, start with the exercise shown in the second video… It really works fast! Let us know how you do with the program. Thanks. Larry

  124. juan chavana
    14 years ago

    i really needed this! i’m trying to improve my speed for football at my school. thanks!

  125. abbas shahparastan
    14 years ago

    hi iam ciach and i need alot iaformation training for increase speed

  126. keelahn
    14 years ago

    hey can i use kinetic resistance bands also

  127. john
    14 years ago

    hi dr. van such cn i get faster by just running and when getting taller does that increase your speed

  128. Will
    14 years ago

    If this program is so effective, why don’t college and professionals use it?

  129. Anonymous
    14 years ago

    Your doing great. Keep it up.

  130. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    That’s more than a half second off your personal best!!

    Great job.

    Dr. Larry

  131. Delroy
    14 years ago

    i was a 22.4 man and the other day i ran a next 200m and i ran 21.83 thanks for ur help

  132. milan
    14 years ago

    hi bob. ive been doing all the research i can to find other exercises for fast twitch muscle fibers and i found a few articles that said running down hill can make you faster and i just wanted to know if this is true or not.

  133. antwone bowle
    14 years ago

    where are the 5 workouts that fasten your speed the videos are good but i just need exercises please

  134. Dr. Larry Van Such
    14 years ago

    Hi Sarah, you can use any level of band to start with. As you get stronger, I recommend using two or three bands at the same time to make the exercises more challenging for you.

  135. Anonymous
    14 years ago

    Hi Eddie, just follow the instructions in the videos and it should get you off to a fast start. Especially do the exercise in the second video as it really targets the hip flexors in a way that most other exercises can’t. For best results, make sure you get the entire Run Faster program and do all of the exercises.

    Dr. Larry Van Such

  136. Ken Boney
    14 years ago

    Interested in seeing all of the videos on speed training

  137. Eddie
    14 years ago

    Hi sir i am a Football player, soccerplayer and track runner. When i ran my 40 yard dash i ran a 4.6 and i am trying to increase my speed I really hope this think help me alot Eddie.

  138. Raj
    14 years ago

    Hi sir,
    I am a sprinter and i will be trying out for my colleges this fall. My problem is that though i run fast but i can’t run on the balls of my feet for a long period of time because my shin kind of hurts and also my calf muscles. Can you kindly tell me what is the reason behind this? I really want to improve my running and get a better speed!!!


  139. Sarah
    14 years ago

    Also, what resistance band “level” would be the best to use first?

  140. Sarah
    14 years ago

    Hi! I am 13 and in Middle School, and I am on the track team. I probably the slowest one on the team though. Will this help me at my age?

  141. Harvey Rosenblatt
    14 years ago

    I am interested in golf and inproving my driving distance. I am 74 years old and wondering if the Frive Longer program is is meant for a person of my age?

  142. Bob
    14 years ago

    Vivian, If it’s sprint speed and lateral movements your interested in then the Run Faster program would be best. The Soccer Kick Farther program has some of the sprint speed exercises and also includes exercises for kicking harder and farther.

  143. Vivian
    14 years ago

    My son wants to improve his speed for soccer. Is it best to use you program specific for soccer or to start with the running speed one.

  144. jonathan gonzalez
    14 years ago

    i am currently runningt a 4.94 in the 40yrd dash . by the end of this program is it possible for me to be running a 4.5- 4.6 range?

  145. Otto Bastian
    14 years ago

    My 16 year old daughter has used your products and training methods for the past 4 months and the results are unbelievable! Last year, running as a freshman for the varsity, she could not break 13s for the 100m. I came across your info on the internet, decided to give it a try and she has become a completly different runner. Now instead of finishing 10+ meters behind a teamate (who was last years 100m league champ), my daughter has run 12.3 and most recently finished 1 meter behind that same girl! I think she will run under 12 this year! Thank You Dr. Van Such I watched your video on speed secrets but was only able to get part one. Is the rest of the series going to be made available?

  146. Nikolay cherevan
    14 years ago

    Ur program works, but I cannot access the other rest of the video seris, only video #1

  147. Darrhyl
    14 years ago

    im so excited to unleash my true potential! i have a track meet in 2 weeks! im going to run the 100 and 200m as well as long jump and possibly high jump. my p.r. in the 100=11.46 and 200=22.66 hj=5’8 lj=22’4 i have not been weight lifting at all or running at all but some here and there. i timed myself last week on a thack with running shoes on and my 40yard was a very slow 5.05! and my 100m=11.7! not too impressive, but not too bad considering i have not been training at all like i was when i hit these personal best marks. but imma start the one excercise today and hopfully you send more links or videos. becuase my ultimate goal is to run at least a 4.8 40yard and a 10.9 100m. and i know if i drop my times there, i will have an amazing 200m time and im sure it wouldnt hurt my jumping either :~) ill keep you posted.